Одеваемся в BiS

Несмотря на обещанное море контента, взять 90-й оказалось не так уж и сложно. Долго ли, коротко ли — но вот уже снова мы заняты одеванием нашего персонажа в новый эпический шмот. Да уж, где, где, а в ВоВ это основополагающая задача. Рейды, крафт, аукцион, квесты, фракции — все силы брошены чтобы добыть лучшие в своем слоте предметы. Правда, если когда-то у нас был выбор, то сейчас не так много вещей, претендующих на это звание. Но все же я думаю информация о том где их брать будет не лишней. BiS список составлен на текущий момент и будет обновляться с выходом очередного дополнения. Полный список вы сможете прочитать ниже. А здесь собран дорейдовый гир.

Но для начала надо определиться с уровнем предметов. Итак, эпики у нас будут иметь аж 6 уровней. С каждым патчем нам все больше и больше усложняют жизнь. Так что в погоне за iLevel придется побороться. Если не ошибаюсь, нам постепенно откроют три рейдовых подземелья: Mogu’shan Vaults, Heart of Fear и Terrace of Endless Spring. В каждом из них будет три версии сложности: поиск рейда, нормал и героик. А соответственно и шмот будет падать 476-489-502 в подземельях Могу’шан и 483-496-509 в Сердце и Террасе. При прохождении энкаунтеров в Террасе на особом уровне сложности будут падать улучшенные эпики 516 уровня. Крафтовые предметы имеют 476 (рецепты от вендоров) и 496 (падают в рейдах, требуют [Blood Spirit]) iLevel, а продающиеся за очки доблести 489. Вот такой вот бардачок.

Elemental Gear

Слот Предмет Источник
Голова Sixteen-Fanged Crown Icon Sixteen-Fanged Crown The Stone Guard (Heroic) in Mogu’shan Vaults
Шея Zian's Choker of Coalesced Shadow Icon Zian’s Choker of Coalesced Shadow The Spirit Kings (Heroic) in Mogu’shan Vaults
Плечи Shoulders of Empyreal Focus Icon Shoulders of Empyreal Focus Elegon (Heroic) in Mogu’shan Vaults
Спина Mindshard Drape Icon Mindshard Drape The Spirit Kings (Heroic) in Mogu’shan Vaults
Грудь Armor of the Single Cloud Icon Armor of the Single Cloud Salyis’s Warband (Galleon)
Запястья Brewmaster Chani's Bracers Icon Brewmaster Chani’s Bracers Почтение с The August Celestials (1,250 Valor Points)
Руки Firebird's Gloves Icon Firebird’s Gloves Sha of Anger Kun-Lai Summit
Пояс Sparkmaker Girdle Icon Sparkmaker Girdle Salyis’s Warband in Valley of the Four Winds
Ноги Firebird's Kilt Icon Firebird’s Kilt Sha of Anger Kun-Lai Summit
Ботинки Meng's Treads of Insanity Icon Meng’s Treads of Insanity The Spirit Kings (Heroic) in Mogu’shan Vaults
Кольцо #1 Circuit of the Frail Soul Icon Circuit of the Frail Soul Gara’jal the Spiritbinder (Heroic) in Mogu’shan Vaults
Кольцо #2 Ring of Wretched Flames Icon Ring of Wretched Flames Salyis’s Warband (Galleon)
Аксессуар #1 Light of the Cosmos Icon Light of the Cosmos Elegon (Heroic) in Mogu’shan Vaults
Аксессуар #2 Relic of Yu'lon Icon Relic of Yu’lon Darkmoon Faire
Оружие Torch of the Celestial Spark Icon Torch of the Celestial Spark Elegon (Heroic) in Mogu’shan Vaults
Вторая рука Inscribed Jade Fan Icon Inscribed Jade Fan created by Inscribed Jade Fan (Inscription, 560)

Restoration Gear

Слот Предмет Источник
Голова Sixteen-Fanged Crown Icon Sixteen-Fanged Crown The Stone Guard (Гер.) в Mogu’shan Vaults
Шея Zian's Choker of Coalesced Shadow Icon Zian’s Choker of Coalesced Shadow The Spirit Kings (Гер.) в Mogu’shan Vaults
Плечи Shoulders of Empyreal Focus Icon Shoulders of Empyreal Focus Elegon (Гер.) в Mogu’shan Vaults
Спина Cape of Three Lanterns Icon Cape of Three Lanterns The Stone Guard (Гер.) в Mogu’shan Vaults
Грудь Armor of the Single Cloud Icon Armor of the Single Cloud Salyis’s Warband (Galleon)
Запястья Brewmaster Chani's Bracers Icon Brewmaster Chani’s Bracers Почтение с The August Celestials (1,250 Valor Points)
Руки Firebird's Handwraps Icon Firebird’s Handwraps Sha of Anger
Пояс Chain of Shadow Icon Chain of Shadow Feng the Accursed (Гер.) в Mogu’shan Vaults
Ноги Firebird's Legwraps Icon Firebird’s Legwraps Sha of Anger
Ботинки Meng's Treads of Insanity Icon Meng’s Treads of Insanity The Spirit Kings (Гер.) в Mogu’shan Vaults
Кольцо #1 Circuit of the Frail Soul Icon Circuit of the Frail Soul Gara’jal the Spiritbinder (Гер.) в Mogu’shan Vaults
Кольцо #2 Steaming Seal of Flame Icon Steaming Seal of Flame Salyis’s Warband (Galleon)
Аксессуар #1 Qin-xi's Polarizing Seal Icon Qin-xi’s Polarizing Seal Will of the Emperor (Гер.) в Mogu’shan Vaults
Аксессуар #2 Scroll of Revered Ancestors Icon Scroll of Revered Ancestors Почтение с Shado-Pan (1,750 Valor Points)
Оружие Tihan, Scepter of the Sleeping Emperor Icon Tihan, Scepter of the Sleeping Emperor Will of the Emperor (Гер.) в Mogu’shan Vaults
Вторая рука Eye of the Ancient Spirit Icon Eye of the Ancient Spirit Gara’jal the Spiritbinder (Гер.) в Mogu’shan Vaults

Как видите, полный BiS очень сильно завязан на дроп с world-боссов. С одной стороны во-первых, они довольно легкодоступны. А во-вторых, лут сейчас падает персональный. Плюс, если не упал, его можно наролить монеткой. С другой — удача должна быть на вашей стороне. Ведь с львиной долей вероятности может ничего не выпасть, либо то, что у вас уже есть. Поэтому нижеприведенный список покажет альтернативу, которую можно достать в тех же рейдах, либо скрафтить. Эпики, они и в Африке эпики. А BiS это или просто проходящая шмотка, не так уж и важно!

Elemental Gear


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Energized Retinal Armor created by Energized Retinal Armor (requires Engineering 525)
476 Sixteen-Fanged Crown Jasper Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Nightwatcher’s Helm награда за почтение с Shado-Pan, 2250 Valor Points от Rushi the Fox в Townlong Steppes
489 Sixteen-Fanged Crown Cobalt Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
496 Helm of Restoring Wind Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds
502 Sixteen-Fanged Crown Jasper Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Amulet of Seven Curses Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Worldwaker Cachabon Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Zian’s Choker of Coalesced Shadow Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Amulet of Seven Curses Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Links of the Lucid награда за почтение с The Klaxxi, 1250 Valor Points от Ambersmith Zikk в Dread Wastes
489 Wire of the Wakener награда за почтение с The Klaxxi, 1250 Valor Points от Ambersmith Zikk в Dread Wastes
489 Worldwaker Cachabon Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Zian’s Choker of Coalesced Shadow Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults
496 Necklace of Imbued Fury Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds
496 Stomphowl Pendant Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds
502 Amulet of Seven Curses Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
502 Worldwaker Cachabon Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
502 Zian’s Choker of Coalesced Shadow Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Shoulders of Empyreal Focus Elegon in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Mindbender Shoulders награда за почтение с Golden Lotus, 1750 Valor Points от Jaluu the Generous в Vale of Eternal Blossoms
489 Shoulders of Empyreal Focus Elegon in Mogu’shan Vaults
502 Shoulders of Empyreal Focus Elegon in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Cape of Three Lanterns Jasper Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Mindshard Drape Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Cape of Three Lanterns Cobalt Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Cloak of Snow Blossoms награда за почтение с Shado-Pan, 1250 Valor Points от Rushi the Fox в Townlong Steppes
489 Mindshard Drape Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Sagewhisper’s Wrap награда за почтение с Shado-Pan, 1250 Valor Points от Rushi the Fox в Townlong Steppes
502 Cape of Three Lanterns Jasper Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
502 Mindshard Drape Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Lifekeeper’s Robe created by Lifekeeper’s Robe (requires Leatherworking 600)
489 Robes of the Setting Sun награда за почтение с Golden Lotus, 2250 Valor Points от Jaluu the Generous в Vale of Eternal Blossoms
496 Armor of the Single Cloud Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds
496 Stormbreaker Chestguard created by Stormbreaker Chestguard (requires Leatherworking 600)


Ур. Предмет Источник
489 Brewmaster Chani’s Bracers награда за почтение с The August Celestials, 1250 Valor Points от Sage Whiteheart в Shrine of Seven Stars


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Enameled Grips of Solemnity Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Lifekeeper’s Gloves created by Lifekeeper’s Gloves (requires Leatherworking 600)
489 Enameled Grips of Solemnity Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Ravenmane’s Gloves награда за почтение с The August Celestials, 1750 Valor Points от Sage Whiteheart в Shrine of Seven Stars
496 Firebird’s Handwraps Sha of Anger in Kun-Lai Summit
496 Fists of Lightning created by Fists of Lightning (requires Leatherworking 600)


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Chain of Shadow Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Chain of Shadow Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Klaxxi Lash of the Precursor награда за почтение с The Klaxxi, 1750 Valor Points от Ambersmith Zikk в Dread Wastes
496 Sparkmaker Girdle Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds
502 Chain of Shadow Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Leggings of Imprisoned Will Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Leggings of Imprisoned Will Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Swarmkeeper’s Leggings награда за почтение с The Klaxxi, 2250 Valor Points от Ambersmith Zikk в Dread Wastes
496 Firebird’s Legwraps Sha of Anger in Kun-Lai Summit
502 Leggings of Imprisoned Will Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Boots of Unbreakable Umbrage Remnants of Anger (Townlong Steppes)
476 Meng’s Treads of Insanity Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Meng’s Treads of Insanity Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Sandals of the Elder Sage награда за почтение с The August Celestials, 1750 Valor Points от Sage Whiteheart в Shrine of Seven Stars
496 Burnmender Boots Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds
502 Meng’s Treads of Insanity Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Circuit of the Frail Soul Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Feng’s Ring of Dreams Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Vithrak, Gaze of the Deadman Flameweaver Koegler in Scarlet Halls
489 Circuit of the Frail Soul Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Feng’s Ring of Dreams Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Leven’s Circle of Hope reward for reaching revered with Golden Lotus, 1250 Valor Points от Jaluu the Generous в Vale of Eternal Blossoms
489 Seal of the Lucid Shadow of the Empire (Dread Wastes)
489 Seal of the Prime Shadow of the Empire (Dread Wastes)
489 Simple Harmonius Ring reward for reaching revered with Golden Lotus, 1250 Valor Points от Jaluu the Generous в Vale of Eternal Blossoms
496 Ring of Wretched Flames Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds
496 Steaming Seal of Flame Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds
502 Circuit of the Frail Soul Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Light of the Cosmos Elegon in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Relic of Yu’lon Darkmoon Serpent Deck (Darkmoon Faire)
489 Blossom of Pure Snow награда за почтение с Shado-Pan, 1750 Valor Points от Rushi the Fox в Townlong Steppes
489 Jade Magistrate Figurine Zandalari Terror Rider in Mogu’shan Vaults and Sorcerer Mogu in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Light of the Cosmos Elegon in Mogu’shan Vaults
502 Light of the Cosmos Elegon in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Je’lyu, Spirit of the Serpent Sha of Doubt in Temple of the Jade Serpent
476 Tihan, Scepter of the Sleeping Emperor Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Tihan, Scepter of the Sleeping Emperor Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
502 Tihan, Scepter of the Sleeping Emperor Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults

Вторая рука

Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Eye of the Ancient Spirit Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Fan of Fiery Winds Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Inscribed Jade Fan created by Inscribed Jade Fan (requires Inscription 560)
476 Inscribed Red Fan created by Inscribed Red Fan (requires Inscription 560)
489 Eye of the Ancient Spirit Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Fan of Fiery Winds Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
502 Eye of the Ancient Spirit Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
502 Fan of Fiery Winds Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Headmaster’s Will Darkmaster Gandling in Scholomance
476 Inscribed Crane Staff created by Inscribed Crane Staff (requires Inscription 560)
476 Inscribed Serpent Staff created by Inscribed Serpent Staff (requires Inscription 560)

Enhancement Gear

Голова наверх ↑

Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Deadly Retinal Armor created by Deadly Retinal Armor (requires Engineering 600)
476 Dreadeye Gaze Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Hawkmaster’s Headguard награда за почтение с Shado-Pan,
2250 Valor Points от Rushi the Fox в Townlong Steppes
496 Crest of the Grand Warband Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Amulet of the Hidden Kings
Meng the Demented in Mogu’shan VaultsQiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults,
Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Amulet of the Hidden Kings Meng the Demented in Mogu’shan VaultsQiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults,
Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Choker of the Klaxxi’va награда за почтение с The Klaxxi, 1250 Valor Points от Ambersmith Zikk в Dread Wastes
496 Hellrider’s Choker Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds
502 Amulet of the Hidden Kings
Meng the Demented in Mogu’shan VaultsQiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults,
Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
489 Windwalker Spaulders награда за почтение с Golden Lotus, 1750 Valor Points от Jaluu the Generous в Vale of Eternal Blossoms


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Arrow Breaking Windcloak Meng the Demented in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Arrow Breaking Windcloak Meng the Demented in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Blackguard Cape награда за почтение с Shado-Pan, 1250 Valor Points от Rushi the Fox в Townlong Steppes
502 Arrow Breaking Windcloak Meng the Demented in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Chestguard of Earthen Harmony created by Chestguard of Earthen Harmony (requires Leatherworking 600)
476 Stonefang Chestguard Jasper Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Breastplate of the Golden Pagoda награда за почтение с Golden Lotus, 2250 Valor Points от Jaluu the Generous в Vale of Eternal Blossoms
489 Stonefang Chestguard Jasper Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
496 Chain of Unsiezed Skies Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds
496 Raiment of Blood and Bone created by Raiment of Blood and Bone (requires Leatherworking 600)
502 Stonefang Chestguard Jasper Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Stonemaw Armguards Amethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Cobalt Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Stonemaw Armguards Amethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Cobalt Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Tiger-Striped Wristguards награда за почтение с The August Celestials, 1250 Valor Points от Sage Whiteheart в Shrine of Seven Stars
502 Stonemaw Armguards Amethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Cobalt Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Gloves of Earthen Harmony created by Gloves of Earthen Harmony (requires Leatherworking 600)
476 Grips of Terra Cotta Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Grips of Terra Cotta Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Sentinel Commander’s Gauntlets награда за почтение с The August Celestials, 1750 Valor Points от Sage Whiteheart в Shrine of Seven Stars
496 Firebird’s Grips Sha of Anger in Kun-Lai Summit
496 Raven Lord’s Gloves created by Raven Lord’s Gloves (requires Leatherworking 600)
502 Grips of Terra Cotta Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Fetters of Death Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Fetters of Death Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Klaxxi Lash of the Winnower награда за почтение с The Klaxxi, 1750 Valor Points от Ambersmith Zikk в Dread Wastes
496 Girdle of the Raging Rider Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds
502 Fetters of Death Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Subetai’s Pillaging Leggings Meng the Demented in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Locust Swarm Legguards награда за почтение с The Klaxxi, 2250 Valor Points от Ambersmith Zikk в Dread Wastes
489 Subetai’s Pillaging Leggings Meng the Demented in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults
496 Firebird’s Legguards Sha of Anger in Kun-Lai Summit
502 Subetai’s Pillaging Leggings Meng the Demented in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Treads of Ardent Antagonism Remnants of Anger (Townlong Steppes)
476 Wildfire Worldwalkers Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Steps of the War Serpent награда за почтение с The August Celestials, 1750 Valor Points от Sage Whiteheart в Shrine of Seven Stars
489 Wildfire Worldwalkers Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
496 Treads of Gentle Nudges Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds
502 Wildfire Worldwalkers Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Feng’s Seal of Binding Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Anji’s Keepsake награда за почтение с Golden Lotus, 1250 Valor Points от Jaluu the Generous в Vale of Eternal Blossoms
489 Feng’s Seal of Binding Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Seal of the Windreaver Shadow of the Empire (Dread Wastes)
496 Hereditary Saurok Loop Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Bottle of Infinite Stars Elegon in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Relic of Xuen Darkmoon Tiger Deck (Darkmoon Faire)
489 Bottle of Infinite Stars Elegon in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Hawkmaster’s Talon награда за почтение с Shado-Pan, 1750 Valor Points от Rushi the Fox в Townlong Steppes
502 Bottle of Infinite Stars Elegon in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Gara’kal, Fist of the Spiritbinder Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Ka’eng, Breath of the Shadow Taran Zhu in Shado-Pan Monastery
489 Gara’kal, Fist of the Spiritbinder Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
502 Gara’kal, Fist of the Spiritbinder Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults

Вторая рука

Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Gara’kal, Fist of the Spiritbinder Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Ka’eng, Breath of the Shadow Taran Zhu in Shado-Pan Monastery
489 Gara’kal, Fist of the Spiritbinder Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
502 Gara’kal, Fist of the Spiritbinder Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults

Restoration Gear

Голова наверх ↑

Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Energized Retinal Armor created by Energized Retinal Armor (requires Engineering 525)
476 Sixteen-Fanged Crown Jasper Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Nightwatcher’s Helm награда за почтение с Shado-Pan, 2250 Valor Points от Rushi the Fox в Townlong Steppes
489 Sixteen-Fanged Crown Cobalt Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
496 Helm of Restoring Wind Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds
502 Sixteen-Fanged Crown Jasper Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Worldwaker Cachabon Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Zian’s Choker of Coalesced Shadow Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Links of the Lucid награда за почтение с The Klaxxi, 1250 Valor Points от Ambersmith Zikk в Dread Wastes
489 Worldwaker Cachabon Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Zian’s Choker of Coalesced Shadow Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults
496 Stomphowl Pendant Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds
502 Worldwaker Cachabon Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
502 Zian’s Choker of Coalesced Shadow Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Shoulders of Empyreal Focus Elegon in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Mindbender Shoulders награда за почтение с Golden Lotus, 1750 Valor Points от Jaluu the Generous в Vale of Eternal Blossoms
489 Shoulders of Empyreal Focus Elegon in Mogu’shan Vaults
502 Shoulders of Empyreal Focus Elegon in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Cape of Three Lanterns Jasper Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Mindshard Drape Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Cape of Three Lanterns Cobalt Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Mindshard Drape Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Sagewhisper’s Wrap награда за почтение с Shado-Pan, 1250 Valor Points от Rushi the Fox в Townlong Steppes
502 Cape of Three Lanterns Jasper Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Jade Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults, Amethyst Guardian in Mogu’shan Vaults
502 Mindshard Drape Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Lifekeeper’s Robe created by Lifekeeper’s Robe (requires Leatherworking 600)
489 Robes of the Setting Sun награда за почтение с Golden Lotus, 2250 Valor Points от Jaluu the Generous в Vale of Eternal Blossoms
496 Armor of the Single Cloud Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds
496 Stormbreaker Chestguard created by Stormbreaker Chestguard (requires Leatherworking 600)


Ур. Предмет Источник
489 Brewmaster Chani’s Bracers награда за почтение с The August Celestials, 1250 Valor Points от Sage Whiteheart в Shrine of Seven Stars


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Enameled Grips of Solemnity Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Lifekeeper’s Gloves created by Lifekeeper’s Gloves (requires Leatherworking 600)
489 Enameled Grips of Solemnity Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Ravenmane’s Gloves награда за почтение с The August Celestials, 1750 Valor Points от Sage Whiteheart в Shrine of Seven Stars
496 Firebird’s Gloves Sha of Anger in Kun-Lai Summit
496 Fists of Lightning created by Fists of Lightning (requires Leatherworking 600)


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Chain of Shadow Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Chain of Shadow Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Klaxxi Lash of the Precursor награда за почтение с The Klaxxi, 1750 Valor Points от Ambersmith Zikk в Dread Wastes
496 Sparkmaker Girdle Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds
502 Chain of Shadow Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Leggings of Imprisoned Will Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Leggings of Imprisoned Will Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Swarmkeeper’s Leggings награда за почтение с The Klaxxi, 2250 Valor Points от Ambersmith Zikk в Dread Wastes
496 Firebird’s Kilt Sha of Anger in Kun-Lai Summit
502 Leggings of Imprisoned Will Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Boots of Unbreakable Umbrage Remnants of Anger (Townlong Steppes)
476 Meng’s Treads of Insanity Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Meng’s Treads of Insanity Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Sandals of the Elder Sage награда за почтение с The August Celestials, 1750 Valor Points от Sage Whiteheart в Shrine of Seven Stars
496 Burnmender Boots Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds
502 Meng’s Treads of Insanity Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu’shan Vaults, Qiang the Merciless in Mogu’shan Vaults, Subetai the Swift in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Circuit of the Frail Soul Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Feng’s Ring of Dreams Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Vithrak, Gaze of the Deadman Flameweaver Koegler in Scarlet Halls
489 Circuit of the Frail Soul Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Feng’s Ring of Dreams Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Leven’s Circle of Hope награда за почтение с Golden Lotus, 1250 Valor Points от Jaluu the Generous в Vale of Eternal Blossoms
489 Seal of the Prime Shadow of the Empire (Dread Wastes)
496 Steaming Seal of Flame Chief Salyis in Valley of the Four Winds
502 Circuit of the Frail Soul Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Qin-xi’s Polarizing Seal Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Relic of Chi Ji Darkmoon Crane Deck (Darkmoon Faire)
489 Blossom of Pure Snow награда за почтение с Shado-Pan, 1750 Valor Points от Rushi the Fox в Townlong Steppes
489 Jade Courtesan Figurine Zandalari Terror Rider in Mogu’shan Vaults and Enormous Stone Quilen in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Jade Magistrate Figurine Zandalari Terror Rider in Mogu’shan Vaults and Sorcerer Mogu in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Qin-xi’s Polarizing Seal Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Scroll of Revered Ancestors награда за почтение с Shado-Pan, 1750 Valor Points от Rushi the Fox в Townlong Steppes
502 Qin-xi’s Polarizing Seal Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Je’lyu, Spirit of the Serpent Sha of Doubt in Temple of the Jade Serpent
476 Tihan, Scepter of the Sleeping Emperor Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Tihan, Scepter of the Sleeping Emperor Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults
502 Tihan, Scepter of the Sleeping Emperor Qin-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults and Jan-xi in Mogu’shan Vaults

Вторая рука

Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Eye of the Ancient Spirit Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Fan of Fiery Winds Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
476 Inscribed Red Fan created by Inscribed Red Fan (requires Inscription 560)
489 Eye of the Ancient Spirit Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
489 Fan of Fiery Winds Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults
502 Eye of the Ancient Spirit Gara’jal the Spiritbinder in Mogu’shan Vaults
502 Fan of Fiery Winds Feng the Accursed in Mogu’shan Vaults


Ур. Предмет Источник
476 Inscribed Crane Staff created by Inscribed Crane Staff (requires Inscription 560)

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2 комментария на «Одеваемся в BiS»

  1. Дэл говорит:

    Ток не Enchancment, а Enhancement, а то я пыталась сообразить, почему чанты есть, а рефоржа и камней нет 😛

    • Палыч говорит:

      Ага, спасибо. Такой объем кода пришлось перелопатить, что глаза уже не обращали внимание на мелочи. Но тег не даст соврать!

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